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Friends of Deering Oaks
Portland Maine
"Extraordinary Journey"
authentic life-size bronze of the Great Black Hawk unveiled!

“The dynamic posture in the representation of the bird captures a “moment in time” during flight…weaving and bobbing skillfully to maneuver through the tight gaps amongst the branches and trees, while still leaving some things to
the imagination of the viewer.
Perhaps it’s searching for prey…but maybe even chasing or evading a competitor, like the red-tailed hawk or barred owl it was also observed with in the park. Even the location of the squirrel invites the viewer to participate in the conceptual aspects of this sculpture!”

Julia Kirby, Portland Public Art Committee unveils the "Extraordinary Journey" bronze GBLH assisted by Bob Weyer, City of Portland. Diane Davison, Avian Haven watches
“The Committee is happy to welcome the sculpture as part of the City of Portland’s collection of permanent public art work and applauds the effort by many stakeholders who worked collaboratively to bring David Smus' sculpture of the Hawk to Deering Oaks.”
Anne Pringle, President of Friends of Deering
Oaks, which raised the necessary funds, said
“We are so grateful to all the donors from
Maine and across the country who contributed
to this unique effort. We’re especially grateful
for substantial gifts from Norway Savings Bank and
our premier donor, MC Construction Company, Inc."
July 17, 2020

Jack Vreeland & Nancy Montgomery; Montgomery Designs.
Diane Davison; Avian Haven. Anne Pringle, FoDO President.
David Smus, bronze sculptor. Bobbi Burke & Janice deLima;
Norway Savings Bank

Be sure to view the interpretive panel which tells the "Extraordinary Journey" of the GBLH. Panel is located on the sidewalk parallel to Park Ave.
Look for this remarkable work of art at approximate location of the blue dot.

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